0330 1344 544

What is a E Ecosolutions assessor and why are they needed?

E Ecosolutions Assessors are trained to undertake a E Ecosolutions assessment for dwellings in accordance with PAS 2035.

The activities completed within the E Ecosolutions assessment include the production of an RdSAP assessment (that can be lodged as an EPC), a detailed floor plan, a condition report, and an occupancy assessment.

The data collected from these surveys are used by the E Ecosolutions coordinator to formulate an improvement option evaluation and medium-term improvement plan.

A E Ecosolutions Assessors has extensive knowledge and experience with RdSAP methodology and assessment of existing dwellings and is a critical link in the chain of a successfully lodged submission to Trustmark.

Having an official PAS 2035 E Ecosolutions assessment is the first steps in the process of carrying out a E Ecosolutions installation.
The data collected is critical in the understanding of what energy saving measures are required to improve the energy efficiency of the property.

How can we help?

If you are an Installer/Estate agent/Social housing authority looking to install via PAS 2030 we can supply and manage your E Ecosolutions assessment requirements.

All projects are treated on an individual basis so please call direct on 0752-3880-855 for more information